AVON Cosmetics....... For the dreamers and the believers....... the do-ers and the can-do-ers.......

If you’d have told me 8 years ago when I first started out as an Avon Representative that within 5 years I would be running my own team of nearly 1000 people and would be earning more money than I have ever earned in my life I would have been thrilled but sceptical!
Once I started attending meetings though and hearing from and getting to know other Avon Sales Leaders who were enjoying fantastic success and earning very good full time wages into the bargain, I dared to BELIEVE and I dared to DREAM.
I set up my own Avon Recruitment website, www.applyreps.co.uk and I started to work on my business full time. I went out with colleagues regularly, travelled all over the country looking for new people to join my team and advertised a lot on social media and with google. At first, no money was coming in but as I had been self employed most of my life this didn't come as a surprise to me. It is however different nowadays with Avon's amazing Fast Start Bonus scheme you can be earning decent money very quickly. Click here to find out more about the fast start opportunity
Since I first join Avon 8 years so much has changed. These days when you Join Avon you get given your very own FREE Avon Online Store! You will also be offered the opportunity to Sign Up To Avon Online and that will mean to can Get Started as an Avon Rep straight away! You will get the opportunity to order 1 of 4 amazing Avon starter packs instead of paying the old admin fee. You can still sell locally and to friends and family through our wonderful traditional Avon brochures too.
You make your orders online now through your very own Avon personal website where you will find loads of training, advice and tips and hints on how to get the very best out of your business including advice on how to host successful Avon parties.
If you would like to know more about what Avon can offer you, whatever your needs may be, drop me a line and I will be happy to advise you.
Berni Broadley x