How to sell Avon online
So you're thinking of Becoming an Avon Representative but you want to sell Avon online.

But maybe you're not 100% sure how to promote yourself online. Look no further as here I will give you lots of hints and tips on how to promote yourself effectively on social media.

First of all, make sure you have an account on as many social media platforms as possible. Facebook being the most obvious one. Make your own Facebook selling page. You can follow the step by step instructions Facebook give you.
It's important to invite as many people as you can to your Avon selling page. Make it attractive and interesting. Post regularly using the social media tools Avon supply you with on your Avon store. These images are bang up to date and are designed by experts so take advantage of Avon's years of expertise in the world of selling.

Post regularly on your home page and on your other social media sites promoting you Avon online store. Post in the morning and in the evening. This posting shouldn't take long particularly if you do it via your Avon store selling pages. Make sure you share the link to your store on the posts.
Finally, join dozens of selling pages on Facebook and post regularly morning and evening promoting your online store.

Now you can work from the comfort of your own home - not only that - with the children soon finishing school for the summer it's so easy to #workfromhome with #avon. You can promote your business on the go from your phone too - so whilst you're at home with the kids. Whilst you're on holiday and whilst you're on family days out. It's so easy! Contact Me today to #JoinAvon and enjoy a relaxing summer holiday with your family whilst #earning!
See you soon!
Berni x