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Avon Man

I found this article recently in The Mail Online. Although a few years old, I think it is even more relevant today than it was then with Avon Cosmetics having broadened their range of products even further, and of course we can now sell completely online so we can sell anywhere in the UK. There are more and more men turning to Avon to make themselves a living, and many making a full time living, particularly now Avon have introduced the "fast start bonus". If you find you are inspired after reading this, drop us a line here: JOIN AVON UK and we will get in touch and get you started onto a brand new self employed journey as an Avon Representative and Sales Leader., Join Avon, Become an Avon Rep

An Avon lady peddling products door-to-door is a familiar sight. But now you might just find it’s a man standing on your door step offering up beauty tips.

According to new figures, the ‘Avon man’ is the newest phenomenon of the recession, as men turn to direct selling after losing their jobs because of the downturn.

There’s been a five per cent increase in representatives in just two years, with men making up a quarter of that number — a 26 per cent increase in three years.

Game changer: David Heffernan had more than 50 unsuccessful job interviews and now earns more as an Avon salesman than at his previous job in insurance........

Brush up: It seems some of the new generation of Avon men may still need to brush up on some essential skills that ladies have down

‘At first, I didn’t have a clue about the products, but women seemed to like that naivety and now I use it to my advantage to help me sell.’

When he was made redundant from his job in insurance last March, David had more than 50 job interviews. None was successful.

‘I was on the scrapheap,’ he confesses. ‘Every day I looked at my two sons, knowing I was supposed to be making something of myself for them. I felt like a failure.’

David’s wife of seven years, Emma, was an Avon sales rep and asked him to help her out. They started door-to-door together and, six months later, were managing 70 other representatives.

David is now earning more than he used to in the insurance industry.

But while making inroads in a women’s world, it seems some of the new generation of Avon men may still need to brush up on some essential skills.

‘Demonstrating make-up is a bit beyond me,’ confesses David.

‘I make the pitches, but I’d lose customers if I showed women how to apply foundation and mascara.

‘I can do an Adam Ant look, but that’s about it.’

David isn't the only Avon man who has made a success of his Avon business. I know many men who pursue their Avon careers full time and the numbers are rising. If you are reading this and thinking that you wouldn't mind a change in career or, like David struggling to find work, or for whatever reason, you would like to know more, man or woman, just drop me a line on 07780 000796 for a no obligation discussion about your options, and/or simply apply here: JOIN AVON UK


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