Direct Selling

Direct Selling - it’s not pyramid selling, that is illegal. Direct selling is where ordinary people are working hard to sell a variety of products from make up, weight loss products, candles, homeware and so on. The reason people have chosen to do this is because they are smart. They know they can earn a full time income whilst working from home, fitting it around their family needs. Working 9-5 for a company, earning just enough to keep going, with someone else regulating the time you can spend with your kids isn’t the smart choice. We earn extra bonuses and trips abroad, even cars whilst we are building a life that can make us financially free, with no one to tell us what to do. It isn’t easy or quick, but if you want to put a ceiling on what you earn and limit your true potential, that’s up to you.
Don’t turn away when you see us, because you are afraid we will ask you to 'join our team’
We don’t mind if you do or if you don't, if that’s the life you choose, but instead of supporting the celebrities and designers that are already rich by buying products they endorse, choose to support your friends in their small business. Buy what you use on a daily basis from your friends and family rather than from huge corporations endorsed by already over-paid celebrities.
There have been direct selling companies around for over 130 years and thousands of people that work with them can’t all be wrong. Just because we start off small, doesn’t mean that we can’t or don’t deserve the rewards.
We are not afraid to think outside the box to make money, giving ourselves a raise whenever we want, because we know we deserve it and we are willing to make the extra effort to get what we deserve.
So next time you see an advert for one of your friend's direct selling companies, do them a favour and 'like' the ad. It could help them make a greater success of their business.