Don't Join Avon Without Reading this first
(Updated 28 March 2022) So you are looking for an Earning Opportunity or perhaps you just want to top up your income? You are considering Becoming an Avon Representative but are wondering if it's worth it. You've heard of people not making any money. In fact, Jayne's sister did it and she said she lost money. But on the other hand you hear about people making lots of money as Avon Representatives and Avon Sales Leaders. What do you believe?
Who do you believe?
Well, here are some of the bare facts that will hopefully help you decide what is right for you.

I believe in honesty in sales. It's a complete waste of my time and yours to dress something up just to get people to join Avon, either you want to give it a go or you don't. In any case, I am a very busy mum and grandmother so don't have the time to waste. I am a very successful Avon Sales Leader with Avon Cosmetics and I have done exceptionally well out of my Avon business so far, so of course I will always shout it from the roof tops how amazing I think the Avon Earning Opportunity is, but I’m writing this blog to try to help you to decide whether Avon is for you.
So, here goes... firstly there is absolutely nothing to pay out up front to Avon, however there is a starter kit to order. This isn't payable for 13 days and even then if you hit a target of £100 sales in the month you get refunded for the £10 kit (worth £15) and if you hit sales of £250 and you've chosen the ultimate kit (£30 but worth over £90) in your first month you get refunded so essentially it is FREE!!

When you Join Avon you will be given your own personal Avon website and you will also be given your own Avon Online Shop from which you can sell all over the UK. Avon make the delivery and you still get commission (the commission depends on how much you sell in your regular order, but still, not bad for simply clicking a button!) Your Avon Site is crammed with social media support to help you promote yourself and sell online with ease. In addition to that you will get your very own personal Avon Representative app called AvonOn. This app is also crammed with support including lots of fabulous training from Avon's exclusive training team. Also inside this app is a very clever little thing called an 'online brochure' which is updated for us every week! You can share the link to this online brochure as many times as you like to as many people as you like and guess what? People can also order direct from Avon on here. You simply share the link and Avon do the rest and YOU get paid!! How easy is that??
You will also get the support of your up-line (me if you join here), the Avon training team, the free training videos etc on your app and in your website, a FREE social media posting tool that you can schedule weekly AND Avon field staff that are local to your area!

"But what about the cost of the brochures?"
Well, your first campaign's worth of books are FREE!! They come with your starter pack.
After this you pay for your Avon books however they do cost less PER UNIT the more you purchase.
"Why do I have to pay for the brochures?" Because they are your business tools. The books are very inexpensive when you consider the quality so are clearly heavily subsidised already. To give you an idea, its approximately £5.60 for 20 but only £8.50 for 50. Most Avon Representatives re cycle the books amongst their customers eg. One group of people will have the books for 3 days and then another group will have them for 3 days and it goes on like this for 4 weeks. Many Avon Reps will ask family and friends to share their Avon brochures for them. This is what we in the business call "working smart not hard!"
An example of a negative opinion with regards to being an Avon Rep: "When you sell Avon don't you have to trek around the streets delivering and picking up brochures all day?" Answer: No and No. Firstly, you can sell Avon by committing yourself to covering some local roads if you want to, but it's not obligatory. I have ladies and gents in my team who have never covered a road in their life but they are more than happy with their Avon income. and No - it doesn't take all day either!

You will find that if you choose to cover roads nearby it might be time consuming at first because you are establishing yourself however once you have established your 'round' it takes very little time. A good friend of mine who was an incredibly successful Avon Representative (who sadly had to give up owing to ill health) once said it's the best hourly rate she has ever earned. I was new to being an Avon Rep at the time and questioned this because I wasn't yet established and was still finding my feet with my Avon round. She told me that at first it takes time but once you're established its great fun, doesn't even feel like work, and the hourly rate is great because it takes no time at all to collect and deliver her Avon brochures and products to her customers, many of whom have now become her friends. I am forever grateful to Hayley for that advice because it was really good to know that it wasn't anything I was doing wrong. It was just going to take time. Saying that, I have people in my team who make huge sales from day 1 so you really can't call it. Becoming an Avon Rep and/or Avon Sales Leader is like starting any new business, it is likely to take you some time to build up your customer base/rep base.

Another worry I would like to put the bed is this:
"Is it possible to try Avon and end up losing money?"
The answer: The business opportunity is set up in such a way that it would be hard to actually lose money if you are genuinely showing your brochures around as many people as you can because there are essentially no start-up costs. You purchase a starter pack which is heavily discounted and you're refunded the cost if you achieve a small sales target before the end of the month. It really is a no-brainer to at least give it a try ( that's only my opinion of course but I have been doing it 11 years now so there must be something good about being an Avon Rep!!)
I have had the odd new recruit complain that they hardly sold anything claiming to have shown their brochures around everyone they know but when I get to their house to do a second business call, I see the books sitting on the floor next to the table still in their original packaging!! So the only conclusion I can draw from my experience is this: if you are genuinely working and making some effort, you simply cannot lose with Avon.

Want to know more? Why not fill in the contact form on this website and I will be in touch for a no obligation chat. Or call me direct on 07780 000796. I look forward to welcoming you to what I consider to be the best Earning Opportunity out there!! Berni x