The Best Kept Secret?
Many people simply don't realise that Avon's network marketing opportunity is absolutely amazing. Myself I have found that working as an Avon Independent Sales Leader and Avon Representative has been the best thing I have ever done. I must admit that Avon's new bonus and commission structure is such a fabulous opportunity that I am surprised that we don't have people hammering our doors down to Join Avon. It's all about teamwork and supporting one another!

Avon have recently completely re-vamped the sales leadership bonus programme. It has been designed in such a way as to support those Avon Sales Leaders who are working to build their teams whether slowly part time or quickly full time ensuring they are reaping the rewards of their hard work with huge bonuses whilst they are waiting for their commission rates to build as their team grows.

This table shows the bonuses being offered for the first year as a sales leader. This is ON TOP OF the commission you would earn both as an Avon Representative and Avon Sales Leader. If you would like to find out more about this amazing opportunity and have it explained to you in more detail, please do contact me and I will be happy to explain how you can become an Avon Representative and/or become an Avon Sales Leader and of course should you decide to go ahead we will always be on hand to support and guide you.
You can apply here at
however if you prefer
You can find me on skype: berniavon
and on facebook as Berni Broadley
or twitter at @ApplyRepsAvon
Why not give me a call (07780 000796)?
You may just be saying Hello to the Best of Your Life!