Joining Avon has never been easier...
Or more rewarding.
Whether you're stuck in a job you dislike, looking for something that will earn you extra cash or need an opportunity that won't interfere with your existing commitments - Avon is the answer.
Where else can you work your own hours, at your own pace and be rewarded for your hard work with competitive rates of commission? And for those who are looking to completely transform their lifestyle, Avon's Sales Leadership means that you can manage your own team of Avon Reps and progress up the Avon promotion ladder and never look back.
If you decide to Join Avon UK, you can now sign up via Email, Messenger, Skype or FaceTime - there's no need to tidy up or prepare in any way. We can sign you up in minutes. It really is that easy!
So what's in it for you?
When you sign up here you will receive Free Training with our Team-exclusive training and Free Training from Avon's National Training Team (if you want to - it is optional)
No sign-up fee, just order a kit, the cost of which isn't payable for 2 weeks and even then hit £100 worth of sales in your first month and you don't pay for it!
Earn between 15 and 32% commission depending on how much you sell and which products you sell
Get your own Avon products a lot cheaper, sometimes up to 90% off original rrp
You will have an up line (also known as sponsor) to contact should you ever have any queries or issues
There is a 24 hour help desk
Get your own Free personalised online store to share all over the UK and online brochure
Get your own Rep-exclusive Avon website
Get your own free rep-exclusive Avon app from which you can share your personalised online brochure all over the UK
You become a part of our fabulous Avon Family
Paper brochures to share locally
Training days on and off line
Sell solely online if you prefer
Sell solely offline if you prefer
Or Combine the two. The choice is yours.
Avon have been in the press countless times. Here are just 2 examples of how successful Independent Avon Representatives and Leaders can become: