Christmas is coming!
Dreading it?
Don't Even Sweat It!
Avon have ALL the answers!
Join My Avon Team to both Earn and Save! The most stress free Christmas I ever had was when I joined Avon. I had access to fantastic quality gifts and gift ideas to give my family and friends as well as a great earning opportunity to pay for all those Christmas gifts! It's a no-brainer! Join me today on my Stress-free journey through life with Avon Cosmetics!!

If you’d have told me 8 years ago when I first started out as an Avon Representative that within 5 years I would be running my own team of nearly 1000 people and would be earning more money than I have ever earned in my life I would have been thrilled but sceptical!
Once I started attending meetings though and hearing from and getting to know other Avon Sales Leaders who were enjoying fantastic success and earning very good full time wages into the bargain, I dared to BELIEVE and I dared to DREAM.
I set up my own Avon Recruitment website, and I started to work on my business full time. I went out with colleagues regularly, travelled all over the country looking for new people to join my team and advertised a lot on social media and with google. At first, no money was coming in but as I had been self employed most of my life this didn't come as a surprise to me. It is however different nowadays with Avon's amazing Fast Start Bonus scheme you can be earning decent money very quickly. Click here to find out more about the fast start opportunity
Since I first join Avon 8 years so much has changed. These days when you Join Avon you get given your very own FREE Avon Online Store! You will also be offered the opportunity to Sign Up To Avon Online and that will mean to can Get Started as an Avon Rep straight away! You will get the opportunity to order 1 of 4 amazing Avon starter packs instead of paying the old admin fee. You can still sell locally and to friends and family through our wonderful traditional Avon brochures too.
You make your orders online now through your very own Avon personal website where you will find loads of training, advice and tips and hints on how to get the very best out of your business including advice on how to host successful Avon parties.
If you would like to know more about what Avon can offer you, whatever your needs may be, drop me a line and I will be happy to advise you.
Berni Broadley x
8 years ago I made a decision. I decided to turn my back on conventional 'employment' and start up my own business selling Avon cosmetics and recruiting Avon representatives. What I didn't know, however, was how good Avon products actually were! I was so impressed when I started using the Avon Anew skincare range that I started buying more and more out of my avon brochure. Now virtually every single bit of make up in my handbag is now Avon. I use Avon nail polish (and polish remover), Avon costume jewellery, Avon pj's, Avon Jeans (yes, Avon have their own highly competitive range of stretch denim which is so comfortable!) I use their room fragrances, the skin so soft, the bubble bath, the whole family use the shower gels, the sun tan lotions, hell, I even use their hair dye!! My house has been well and truly "avonned"!!
When I first started out, it's no secret that there were a few raised eyebrows amongst family and friends! As a qualified teacher and qualified beauty therapist I was more than qualified to get a 'normal' job. I didn't really want a 'normal' job and it soon became apparent that 'normal' jobs didn't want me either - a mum in her 40's who had been out of the job market for 10 years!
So as I started to build my Avon business, I started to realise that Avon was so much more that just a company that I was in partnership with earning money. As a Sales Leader, recruiting new people into the business, I found that I was actually offering people an earning opportunity. Helping people to earn more money because their wages weren't enough, people wanting to get themselves out of a bad situation, sometimes people who couldn't get work anywhere else and so were finding self respect because I was able to offer them the opportunity to build a business for themselves.
People were joining Avon with me from all walks of life, and for many different reasons. They were building small selling empires, they were growing in confidence, they were building big selling empires, building avon teams of their own, finding that they were capable of so much more than they ever thought. This is such an exciting business to be working with. It has been and continues to be a revelation. I have learnt so much both from the people I work with and the people I have met through the business. I am so proud of my team and what they have achieved and continue to achieve.

I can honestly say that I have never had a job like it. It is unique and it is amazing. Yes there have been bumps in the road, some nasty bends and some pot holes but lots and lots of sunshine and happiness too!! All-in-all I wouldn't change a thing as I continue to work with and grow my beautiful Avon business.
Berni x