So you have decided that you want to Work From Home but you're really not sure where to start. There are so many different companies out there all claiming to have the best opportunity. It's confusing to say the least! I guess you just need to do your research to decide which one would work best for you. I was looking for a company that had a good reputation and therefore low risk, with consumeable products as well as an enviable range of products that would appeal to as many different people as possible, with a good reputation and with a great compensation plan. I don't feel I'm a natural salesperson so the goods had to sell themselves. So, for me, Avon seemed like the perfect fit.
I can't tell you that if you join Avon it will be the perfect fit for you but what I do know is that it works for me and for thousands of my peers.
What I can do however is share with you some of what my experience with Avon has been so far. And also how just a few of the team are finding how working with Avon works for them. To hear from some of the team, just pop across to our "success stories" page.
I remember seeing an interview on GMTV with an incredibly successful lady who was earning over £250,000.00 pa thanks to her Avon business (It didn't happen overnight though - she had been an Avon Representative and Sales Leader for 7 years - and it took lots of hard work, time and commitment on her part but it just shows what is possible with this company). As I have already said, one of the things that most attracted me to the Avon Earning Opportunity was the fact that it is well known and a household name. In fact they have a perfume that my daughter adored at the time that I couldn't get anywhere else! The Avon "Far Away" perfume.
When I first joined Avon I decided I was going to cover houses locally because I was new to the area and I thought it would be a great way of getting to know people in the area. I was right. It was not long before people were calling me their Avon Lady. Now I have to be honest with you and say that unlike some of my fabulous team members, some of whom are achieving fantastic sales from day 1, my sales at first weren't great. I was disappointed. I expected to make loads of money straight away with very little effort. But then when I actually sat and thought about it logically, I realised that distributing my brochures around was a little like owning lots of little Avon shops. I needed to promote my products and be persistent and reliable and build up a customer base. Now of course, you can sell entirely online so you don't even need to cover houses if that's not your bag.
Once people knew I was to be trusted, they would buy more from me and my Avon brochures. Sure enough, my sales steadily increased. Christmas was absolutely brilliant! I sold so many of my Avon products it was amazing. What was a complete surprise for me was that as my business grew, so did my confidence. For me it was a no-brainer to Become an Avon Sales Leader as well as An Avon Rep. It was another Earning Opportunity and it meant I could do as much or as little as I wanted. I could now go Full Time Avon if I wanted to. I found that seeing my Avon team grow was a great feeling. Once I had people in My Avon Team asking me if they too could become an Avon Sales Leader the business just got more and more exciting. I was soon a full time Avon Representative and Sales Leader and loving every minute. The table below shows Avon's current "Fast Start" Bonus scheme for anyone wanting to become a sales leader. Still not impressed? Would you believe that this doesn't include the commission you earn as a representative and sales leader. These bonuses are ON TOP OF your 2 commission incomes from Avon and they are paid to you EVERY 3 WEEKS!

And if this isn't a good enough reason to give Avon a try, at the moment Avon are offering a choice of 4 amazing start-up packs starting from only £15 to all new representatives! See below for more info:
As you can probably tell, I passionately believe in the Work From Home opportunity from Avon. It is such a buzz helping people to grow their Avon businesses. There is nothing else on earth I would rather do. What's more, you can now sell Avon online anywhere in the UK. When you Become An Avon Representative, you are given your very own Online Shop. You can share the link to your Online Shop with everyone and anyone and they can order their Avon from there.
To give you an idea of how smart and slick this Online shop is, here is the link to mine: Berni's Online Avon Store
"What I have found so far though, funnily enough, is that many people still absolutely love to see the good old fashioned Avon brochure, despite the fact that Avon have done a fantastic job keeping up with modern technology. "
So I have found that since I have Become an Avon Representative I have grown a business from humble beginnings and disappointing sales to a huge team of nearly 1000 representatives and sales leaders.
What I knew about Avon or even about selling or network marketing when I first started on this exciting journey you could truly write on the back of a postage stamp. So if I can do it, so can YOU!
I have since learnt so much, met so many truly inspirational people and grown so much as a person I can whole heartedly recommend starting your business with Avon. One of the best decisions I have ever made was the decision to Become an Avon Representative.
If you want to know more about How To Become An Avon Representative and what Avon and the team can offer you give me a call or simply click here Find Out More.
Have a great week!
Berni x
What are Polypeptides?
Polypeptide chains make up proteins. Each chain consists of smaller sub-units also known as amino acids. These are all linked together.
Amino acids serve as the building blocks of polypeptides and polypeptides serve as the building blocks of proteins. These chains of amino acids, that are the building blocks of proteins in the skin, when they are in short chains they are able to penetrate the top layer of skin, and send signals to our cells to let them know how to function. One such important protein in our skin is collagen.
Collagen is one of the key things that keeps our skin looking healthy and young!!
Many thanks to Avon UK for the above scientific information!!
Berni x
When Avon first ventured into the UK market 60 years ago, it was already well established in the US. Now 60 years later it is a household name here in the UK.
To celebrate 60 years in the UK, Avon will be doing lots of exciting challenges throughout the year, offering it's representatives and sales leaders the opportunity to win some amazing freebies and incentive awards. Last Year Avon UK made some huge leaps modernising the business. You can now sell Avon entirely online if you want to, bringing us 'bang up to date' and able to compete with the new young businesses that are starting up all over social media. Uniquely however we still have the all time favourite Avon brochure to offer to our customers, as people still love the scented pages and the absolute uniqueness Avon brochures offer. There is no company quite like Avon. Instead of having to place our orders on order day we can order at any time throughout the 3 week selling period and expect delivery within 2-5 days (you are told at point of order when you can expect delivery) . And this delivery system is being constantly revised and update so watch this space...........
Since I started as an Avon Rep and Sales Leader 8 years ago, I have never looked back, having won holidays, awards and countless gifts, designer handbags and gift vouchers. It's amazing that as well as getting paid for doing something we love, we also get offered gifts and holidays on top simply for doing our job well!! I'm really excited to see what the next 10 years and beyond bring in Avon UK.
Berni x