First off, you will Earn £££'s from the very first AVON product you sell!!
You can sell Avon online as well as via the much-loved Avon brochure.
Your Avon Customers can now opt to pay at the checkout and if they order more than £25 worth of products they can get free delivery.... the best bit? You still Earn the Commission whilst Avon UK make the delivery for you!!
When you Join Avon you will immediately have access to our award winning training team and of course when you Join Here you will have your own personal Mentor who will be here to guide you and support you as you grow your customer base and your Avon business. Commission increases according to how much you sell in your first few months and after that how much you sell every quarter. It goes up to a whopping 32% which is awesome for a business in which you don't pay up front for the products (you'll get a credit limit to start with which will increase according to how much you sell)
If you decide to sell via your brochures you will generally have a willing audience. Avon is still a much loved and trusted brand in the UK and many people will be thrilled to receive an Avon brochure through their door!
So the long AND the short answer is YES you DO make money selling Avon! I myself make a full time wage selling Avon with only part time hours. I have been selling Avon for over 13 years now so I have learned a great deal in that time!! My business and customer base is still going strong despite having moved house and areas 3 times..... I've been priveleged to have won holidays, thousands of £££'s worth of gift vouchers, beautiful designer gifts etc simply for doing my job as well as a great income giving me plenty of security. I'm currently in the top 10 executives in the UK (at the time of writing number 6) so you will be in knowledgeable hands if you decide to Join Here.
Show plenty of people your brochures, your online store link and your online brochures and you will make money..... you will have our guidance and advice every step of the way as well as guidance and support from Avon UK's Award Winning HQ Training Team.
Still not sure? Why not drop me a line HERE and I'll be in touch
Updated: Nov 2, 2023
Thinking about becoming an Avon Rep? Read our essential guide before you take that step...
Here are 8 points to consider before applying.....
1) Do you have any ID? Your Avon Sales Leader will need to see ID. All is not lost if you don't have photo ID because we can also accept another form of ID, although photo ID is ideal. As long as you have 2 other forms of ID you can still Become an Avon Representative. Your NI card would be a good one and maybe a utility bill or official document such as rental agreement or tax bill. Why? Because when you sign up to Avon you will be entering a credit agreement (goods are shipped to you before you pay anything out) so you need to be able to prove by law that you are who you say you are and that you are over 18. If you aren't available for a call just yet but are in a rush to get started ask me about how you can simply send your photo ID along with a selfie (t's & c's apply)
2) When you speak to your sales leader he/she will explain to you how to sell and who to sell to. They can also advise you on all aspects of being a rep as well as how to promote yourself within your Avon business up to a sales leader. which will give you another income stream. Something we could all do with in the current climate!
3) You will be given your very own personal Avon website on which you'll find tons of useful information and training. You can also download your personal rep app called AvonOn. Go to the Rep Hub and then go to the Learning Hub and take the training. It's all really interesting bite-sized training and you will probably have great fun doing it. What's more you can do it all in your own time when it works for you! You can also download your very own personal Avon Rep App which is called AvonOn. In this app there is masses of training and support and you can access your Avon website from here too. Avon is so flexible that you can sell locally, sell online, sell from your phone, add another income stream by leading a team or simply choose to do it one way ... it really is up to you and you really can work your Avon business around your lifestyle. #workityourway
4) When you sign up you will be able to set up your own personal online store from which you can sell all over the UK and Avon will make the delivery for you. In addition to this you have your very own online brochures which you can start sharing with potential customers straight from your AvonOn app literally as soon as you have chosen your starter kit and received your Avon account number!
5) You can choose from 2 starter packs. The Power Pack is worth £130 but is available to you as a new Avon Rep at just £39. What's more, you don't have to pay for this for 2 weeks PLUS you can earn back the cost simply by selling £250+ worth of products in your first month which, believe me, with Avon being a household name and all of the training and support available to you is not much of a tall order! Alternatively you can choose the £10 kit (worth £15) which you can earn the cost back of with just £100 worth of sales in your first month! Easy Peezy!!
Along with your starter pack you will get your first set of Avon brochures, some protective brochure bags and your customer order forms. There is a standard amount that comes with the pack but you can order more if you want to.
6) When you receive your Avon starter pack, yourself and your Avon sales leader can get together (either virtually or face to face) to discuss ways to promote yourself and get your business going if you'd like. Simply drop us a text to let us know you've got your starter kit and we will get back to you.
7) Avon also provides you with regular offers and social media promotional material as well as you having the opportunity to expand your Avon business if you would like to. This will give you a whole new income stream with the opportunity to earn bonuses, extra commission and even all-expenses-paid holidays courtesy of AVON.
8) Your Avon sales leader will leave you with his/her contact details so that you can contact them should you need support and they will drop you a line from time to time with up to date info, training and to check you are happy with everything.
So you see with AVON UK there is heaps of advice, support and training available and you really do have absolutely nothing to lose by giving it a go!
Berni x
Do you ever feel under pressure to be perfect?
In reality we are all already perfect because humans are by definition imperfect, flawed and not always right, and that's what makes us unique!
Take being a parent. From the minute your little bundle of joy is born you'll often feel under pressure to 'get it right', for them to speak, walk, put on weight etc 'at the right time' (if you allow yourself to be).
The reality is that Einstein didn’t utter a word until he was 4 years old!! I myself have 4 children. They are all different from one another and they all spoke, walked, learnt at different rates but they are all perfect to me!!
Then there’s the pressure as they’re growing up… too strict, not strict enough….. too kind, not kind enough …. Not loving enough …. Well that school was a bad decision I made that could affect his/her whole life ….. the worries and guilt trips are potentially endless but the reality is this ….. and I’m sure we all know this deep down but we too often get caught up in the perfect trap …. Don’t try to be perfect …. you’re not perfect …. Nobody is …. how can you be? The world is incredibly imperfect…. Human nature is flawed …. Life is hard …. as well as beautiful …..
Your job as a parent is to prepare your children for life… let’s just suppose for one minute that you achieve the lofty heights of being that ‘Perfect Parent’ (if there is such a thing) do you think you have prepared your child for an imperfect and flawed world? For all the trials and tribulations that could possibly come their way as they make their path in life? Tip-toeing around every little issue will not prepare them well for life because life will most certainly not wrap them up in cotton wool when they grow up and leave the nest …. which they most certainly will ….their expectations of the world would be dangerously high if you were 'perfect'.
So don’t fall into the perfect trap because being flawed and imperfect is the human condition and it is the way of things. Generation after generation have thought they could change this but history shows us that no system is perfect, no belief system is perfect, no law is perfect.
There must be laws and rules to an extent but there must also be truth. We should all be allowed to speak our truth even if it offends some people because ‘to err is human’ So you will make mistakes (but apologise if you do get it wrong of course). You are human. In getting stuff wrong you are actually getting it right!! Your children will be prepared for life as long as they always know you love them with all your heart and soul -
Don’t lie awake at night beating yourself up about mistakes you may or may not have made because it’s those mistakes that keep it real…. So don’t fall into the perfect trap because none of us are because that’s what humanity is …. Perfectly imperfect….